How do Online Casinos Maintain Security and Privacy?

Mike Lorente
Senior Author
clock badge 3 Min Read

Just like brick and mortar casinos, security at the best casino sites to play is a top concern. So if you play online, you're probably concerned about your own security and online casino privacy, especially in a world where identity theft and credit card fraud are commonplace.

The most reputable establishments employ state of the art security. At online casinos, you'll see sophisticated technology in place to protect players like you, including your personal info and your credit card info.

So how do these casinos keep people safe? Let's look at a few of the measures that are in place to ensure online casino privacy and security.

Best Encryption Measures

Most online casinos use 128-bit secure socket layer (SSL) digital encryption technology to encrypt and protect all online credit card and money transfer transactions. Other high-risk sites, such as banking websites and Paypal, also utilise this technology. So if you're trying to pick a top casino sites, seek one that boasts this particular security feature.

Maintaining Privacy

Nobody wants their personal info such as their name and email address to fall into the wrong hands, so it's important to select an establishment that will keep your private information under wraps.

Make it a point to read the online casino's privacy policy. You should look for a guarantee that the venue will not reveal or sell your personal information to any third party.  Your info should only be utilised to provide you with a better playing experience.

Transparent Cookies

Cookies are digital files that are sent out by website servers and stored on your computer's browser for a temporary period of time. It's cookies that allow you to remain logged in to a website, for instance.

Cookies may seem threatening, but they're nothing to worry about. They're totally harmless and they're necessary in order to ensure you enjoy a smooth gaming experience. If you're concerned about cookies, you can always clear out cookies from your browser at the conclusion of your browser session.

Mike Lorente

Mike Lorente

Author & Casino Bonus Expert

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Fact-checked by Julia Attard


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